Our Fundamentals Sessions are interactive discussions presented by some of our experienced orchid growers.  Each meeting, they present a topic of interest to those who want to continue learning; how to pot an orchid, how and when to fertilize, proper watering, pest and disease control and other subjects of interest to members and guests.

Unless noted otherwise, all meetings held at St. Michael's Episcopal Church.

Fundamentals sessions are on hold until we find an expert to facilitate these sessions.  Please let us know if you are interested. 

 Meeting Schedule




October 21, 2024Cancelled - Hurricane
Ralfael Romero, Plantio la Orquidea - Schomburgkia Species
November 18, 2024Sanibel Community House
Mac Rivenbark, Mac's Orchids - Orchid growing outside of a pot
December 16, 2024Holiday Luncheon - Dunes

Jose Esposito, Sora Orchids -

January 20, 2025

David Fiores, Fiores Garden Center -
February 17, 2025
Tomas Bijza, Tarzane Group - 
March 17, 2025
April 21, 2025